20 Animals With Horns Ultra Collections With Pictures

Here we are going to provide some of a few collections of animals with horns. There are millions of types of animals available but some of them have horns. Some animals have one horn, most animals have two horns and some animals have more than two horns.

We all know that horns are an amazing feature of those animals who have it. Horns are fascinating features found in several animal species, each with unique adaptations and functions. Horn animals use their horn to protect themselves from the enemy because we all know that every creature in this world has a self-defense weapon. But sometimes, they play by their horns with their partner or friends

Here we have listed some of a few collections about the matter of animals that have horns. So if you want to know which animal has horns, then you need to stay with us and check out the below collections. We hope you will like it.

What is a horn and where it is located for an animal?

Ans:- A horn is one kind of hard bone that is born and grows in some animal’s head. Horns are usually found in species like cows, deer, antelope, and goats, among others. They serve various functions depending on the species, such as defense, attracting mates, establishing dominance, or foraging for food. When that kind of animal is born, then the horn is very small or does not exist in the head. But if they grow up, then the horn will exist and grow up with their body.

Animals List With Horns


The cow is the most common domestic animal with horns. People love to farm cows because cows give us milk, and people love to eat milk. From the cow milk, many types of foods are made. Like – ice cream, lassi, milkshakes, chocolate, and many more things. Sow milk is very healthy for the human body.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Bos taurus.
  • Interesting Facts:- Cows are very social and don’t like to be alone.



Gemsbok is a dessert animal, that lives in the dessert area. They can run 85-90km per house when it is necessary. They have two straight horns. Gemsbok are also known for their social structure. Especially they are known for their strength, ability, and speed, these are the things that make them the fastest antelope species.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Oryx gazella.
  • Interesting Facts:- Gemsbok’s horn is straight, like V.



Buffalo is a domestic animal, millions of people have buffalo on the domestic farm. Buffalo looks like the cow, but they are always in black. They also give us milk, like the cow. But buffalo’s milk is very strong, everyone can’t digest it properly. Historically, buffalo played a crucial role in the culture and survival of Indigenous peoples in North America. This huge animal can run up to 35km per hour and their weight is 900*950 kg.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Bubalus bubalis.
  • Interesting Facts:- Most of the buffalo are black.



Bison look like buffalo but they have massive power and their body is divided into two parts of coverage. 1st part of their body is covered by the hump and the rest of the body part does not have anything. They can run like a buffalo 35-40km per hour. They are known for their shaggy brown coats, imposing size, and distinctive hump between their shoulders.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Genus Bison.
  • Interesting Facts:- Bison can run faster than horses.



The giraffe is the tallest mammal animal on the land surface. People love to see and know them for their tall necks. Their neck can up to 6 feet and they are famous for that. Giraffes are social animals that live in groups known as towers or herds. Giraffe loves to live in the forest type are, but nowadays humans store them in the zoo.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Giraffa camelopardalis.
  • Interesting Facts:- Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth.



The goat is a well-known domestic animal. We all know about them. They have some different colors, like – white, black, brown, black-white mixing, and many more. There are too many goat farms available in the world for the food source for humans. Goats are known for their curious nature, agility, and adaptability to different environments. Goat loves to play by their horn with their partner or friends.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Capra aegagrus hircus.
  • Interesting Facts:- Goats can be taught their name and to come when called.



Bharal look like animals but they are not domestic animals, they love to live in mountain-type areas and their horns also look different types. They are also known as Himalayan blue sheep. Bharals are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses, herbs, and shrubs that grow on rocky mountain slopes. They communicate through their, vocalizations, body postures, and scent markings, maintaining social bonds within their herds.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Pseudois nayaur.
  • Interesting Facts:- They are a major food source for the snow leopard.



Elk have a very designful horn, which makes them very beautiful. They are the most iconic creatures in the deer family. They are found in some parts of Asia and North America. Elk are social animals that form herds led by a dominant bull. They are perfect in the swim because their natural habitat is the lake and riverside area. They hold a significant cultural and ecological value in North America.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Cervus canadensis.
  •  Interesting Facts:- Elk generally have a long head with large ears.


Giant Eland

Giant elands are very social animals, they love to live in a group, called heard. This animal is the most impressive antelope species in central Africa. They love to live in the woodlands, dense forests where graze a variety of leaves, fruits, and grasses. Their size is perfect for the run, when they are in danger, they can run fast. Their groups are up to 30 members.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Taurotragus derbianus.
  • Interesting Facts:- They are great jumpers.

Giant Eland


Oryx looks like a goat, but their horn is too big. They are an impressive species of the antelope group, they have some impressive adaptions for survival in the arid environment. There are too many types of oryx available in the world, like – Arabian oryx, gemsbok, scimitar-horned oryx, and beisa oryx.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Unknown.
  • Interesting Facts:- Oryx looks like a goat, but they have too long horns.



The addax are white color species in the screw-horn antelope group. They are found in the Sahara desert in Africa. The most impressive feature of Addax is its long, two design horns which can grow up to three feet in length and are present in both males and females. Their foods are the dessert grasses, shrubs, and leaves which are perfectly nutrition for their body.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Addax nasomaculatus.
  • Interesting Facts:- They are the dessert animal.


Bighorn Sheep

We all know that sheep is a domestic animal but not one type of sheep is available in the world. There are too many types of sheep. One is most common of them, that is bighorn sheep. They have two horns that are big and curved type, this is why they are called bighorn sheep. Their eyesight is too strong and also they have a strong sense of smell which can help them to identify the danger.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Ovis canadensis.
  • Interesting Facts:- They can live up to 15 years in the wild.

Bighorn Sheep


Deer is a very famous wild animal who has a good-looking horn. They are naturally brown and even they can also run fast. Deer play a significant ecological role as herbivores. Many types of deer are available in the world. You can see the deer in the zoo, because the zoo is more beautiful because of them.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Cervidae.
  • Interesting Facts:- A young deer is called a fawn.



Moose are found in North America, Europe, and some parts of the Asia. Their horns are the different types. Mostly mosse feeds aquatic plants, woody vegetation, and leaves from trees. They face too many threats, like – habitat loss, predation, and climate change.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Alces alces.
  • Interesting Facts:- Moose are good swimmers.


Alpine Ibex

They are very social creatures, they love to live in a group. They feed a diet of grass, herbs, shrubs, and lichens that grow in the rocky, high-altitude terrain they call home. They adapted to harsh alpine environments with distinctive backward-curved horns that are large compared to their body. Their horn is useful for defense, attracting mates, and creating dominance in their field.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Capra ibex.
  • Interesting Facts:- Alpine ibex have big horns.

Alpine Ibex


Rhino is a very popular animal with one horn. Because this is the most common animal which is a rhino. But there are too many types of rhinos available in the world. White rhinos, black rhinos, and Sumatran rhinos have 2 horns but one horn rhino & greater rhinos have only one horn.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Rhinocerotidae.
  • Interesting Facts:- Rhinos have poor vision.


Spiral-horned antelopes

This animal is also a species of the antelope group, their horn looks like the spiral, which is why they are called spiral-horned antelopes. They are the most diverse group that is available in large African antelopes, they are perfectly known for their spiral-horned antelopes.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Tragelaphini.
  • Interesting Facts:- Their horn is spiral designed.

Spiral-horned antelopes


Impala is some kind of looks like the deer. They are the medium-sized African antelope species renowned for their agility, grace, and impressive jumping ability. They commonly eat grasses, herbs, and shrubs. They have powerful leaping or jumping abilities which can help them to escape from the enemy.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Aepyceros melampus.
  • Interesting Facts:- Only Impala rams have horns.


Greater Kudu

Greater kudu is one of the species of the antelope group. They are especially known for their elusive nature and remarkable agility, capable of leaping high. Males want to create dominance by displaying their bodies, and impressive horns also and that can help them to create the perfect attention for a female.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Tragelaphus strepsiceros.
  • Interesting Facts:- Kudu can leap over obstacles that are 8 feet high with ease.

Greater kudu


They are scientifically known as Antilocapra Americana. Their horns are small but look different from the other pronghorn species. One of the most distinctive features of the pronghorn is its horns, which are composed of a bony core and a keratin sheath that they shed and regrow annually. They used their horns as defense and territorial displays. They face some kinds of issues, like – habitat loss, hunting, and barriers to migration.

  • Types:- Mammals.
  • Scientific Name:- Antilocapra americana.
  • Interesting Facts:- Males are called bucks. Females are called does. Babies are called fawns.


Other Animals With Horns

  • Red Deer.
  • Mouflon.
  • Springbok.
  • African Buffalo.
  • White rhinoceros.
  • Common eland.
  • Texas Longhorn.
  • Blue wildebeest.

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Name some of the popular animals with horns.

Ans:- Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Deer, Sheep & Rhino.

Name some zoo animals that have horns.

Ans:- Giraffe, Rhino, Deer and Impala.

Names some domestic animals that have horns.

Ans:- These are some domestic animals with horns Cow, Buffalo, Goat & Sheep.

Which animal has one horn?

Ans:- Rhino has only one horn.

Which sea animal has a horn?

Ans:- Narwhals.

Which animal has straight horns?

Ans:- Oryx & Gemsbok have straight horns.

which animal has designed horns?

Ans:- These animals have designed horns, like – Deer, Blackbuck, Kudu, Elk & Many more.

Which mountain animal has horns?

Ans:- These are some mountain animals that have horns, Saiga antelope, bighorn sheep, bharal, ibex & many more.

Which animal has more than two horns?

Ans:- Four-horned antelope.

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Have a good day, cheers.